
Monster Showcase

Hey folks! It’s time to introduce some of the monsters of Cassette Beasts – including some you’ve seen before and some you might not have! Here we go…

Bansheep #019
Element: Beast

French: Fantômouton
Italian: Stregovina
German: Geisterschaf
Spanish: Beenshee

One of the two starting monsters you can choose from in Cassette Beasts, you may have already seen Bansheep if you played our Steam Next Fest demo back in October!

The eerie moans of the wild Bansheep at night have led many to believe that they are restless undead spirits, but this is untrue: they are very much alive, they just like to have a bit of a whine. Who doesn’t?

Candevil #014
Element: Beast

French: Gourmandiable
Italian: Zuccherello
German: Bonbonteufel
Spanish: Diablamelo

Candevils possess the peculiar ability to generate sugary sweets from their bodies, which can be used as gifts or as ballistic projectiles. Some find this quite charming, whereas others argue that it’s actually very weird and gross.

Candevil is the other starting monster. While Candevil and Bansheep both start with the Beast element, each of them can be remastered along two different branches, into more evolved forms that have very different elemental types.

Salamagus #059
Element: Fire

French: Salamage
Italian: Salamagus
German: Salamagus
Spanish: Salamago

The slippery Salamagus is a student of pyromancy and other arcane arts. It is able to breathe fire using fuel it stores in the pouches on its head – incidentally, these look like giant googly eyes to the untrained eye.

Squirey #034
Element: Beast

French: Écurikiki
Italian: Scudierrante
German: Drahtknappe
Spanish: Escuderazado

The common Squirey is often seen roaming the plains of New Wirral, searching for opponents to battle. Despite their cute appearances, they are dedicated warriors and driven by an innate desire for self-improvement.

Palangolin #036
Element: Metal

French: Palangolin
Italian: Lanciolino
German: Palangolin
Spanish: Palangolín

The Palangolin is the mature form of a Squirey who has remained true to their principles, and has become a knight of great virtue. Palangolins wield striking golden halberds, which they use to defend their allies in the heat of battle.

Manispear #035
Element: Metal

French: Chevalance
Italian: Malabardo
German: Manispeer
Spanish: Manistratega

Hey, wait… This one’s new, right?

If a Squirey gives in to their dark impulses whilst training, it is destined to become a Manispear. Hiding its face beneath a black helmet, the Manispear fights without restraint or self-control.

Wondering what a fusion of Manispear and Palangolin looks like? Well, together they form Manisgolin!

What is your favourite monster shown today? Come and let us know on our official Discord! You can always follow us on Twitter, too!

Until next time!

Randomisation & Speedrunning

Happy new year, folks! This week we’re looking at some of the features you can make use of in Cassette Beasts to spice up your playthroughs.

Custom Game Modes

Once you’ve beaten the game, Cassette Beasts has a number of options you can use to customise your next playthrough.

While we recommend playing the game through normally on your first playthrough, these options can also be unlocked with a cheat code–handy if you’re playing the game on a different machine at a speedrun competition! The cheat code will be shared after the game’s release.

Let’s go through these one by one:

First up, we have “Tapes Break Permanently,” which means that any tape with 0 hit points can’t be repaired and will be unusable for the rest of your playthrough! But don’t worry, as long as you have at least one usable tape in storage, you’ll be able to keep going after defeat.

If you want to up the stakes even more, turn on “Defeat is Game Over,” where a single loss in battle means game over – no matter how many tapes you have left. In Cassette Beasts, your party members take overspill damage when a tape breaks, so one big hit from an enemy could be enough to completely end your run!

Feeling adventurous? “Randomise Monsters” lets you mix up the habitats of monsters, as well as the starter and partner tapes. This is a great way to try out monsters you wouldn’t normally use in your party.

With “Randomise Types,” my personal favourite, you can randomise monster species’ types, as well as their colour palettes and movepools to match. This isn’t the same as making everything a bootleg–each species will always be a particular type, just not the one you’re used to!

If you want to mix up your opponents’ strategies, “Randomise Moves” is for you. This option can be used to randomise the default set of moves for monsters, as well as the moves you unlock by upgrading tapes. These moves are still compatible with the monster species, but the combinations can be surprising–a normally weak monster could become something to dread!

Finally, there’s the “Random Seed” option, which can be used to control all the aforementioned randomisation options. It can also control the randomisation of certain variables in the game, even when no customisations are enabled – perfect for speedruns. With this option, sticker merchants will always have the same stock on the same day, and chests will always contain the same items.

These options are our answer to the Nuzlocke and permadeath features the community has been asking for. While there aren’t currently any options that enforce the first Nuzlocke rule (only one monster can be recorded per ‘route’), we’ll be keeping an eye on how players choose to interpret that rule in Cassette Beasts’ open world.

Speedrunning & LiveSplit Integration

A small but dedicated speedrunning community grew around our last game, Lenna’s Inception, after its launch. We learned a lot from this community about what makes a game suitable for speedrunning and what does not, and factored this into Cassette Beasts.

On all platforms, you can enable an in-game timer in the settings menu at any time. This timer displays in the top left of the screen, and records how long you’ve been playing your save file for. It automatically pauses on loading screens and during character customisation.

While the in-game timer is enabled, you can hold the middle mouse button (or Y on a controller) to speed up dialogue, and automatically select dialogue options.

If you have LiveSplit installed (available for Windows only), you can connect Cassette Beasts to the LiveSplit Server component, and automatically send split commands based on certain in-game events. The game tracks numerous stats in your save file, for the purpose of achievements. These stats include which bosses you’ve defeated, how many species you’ve recorded, and so on. Any of these stats can be used to trigger splits.

The LiveSplit integration is fully configurable through an INI file, so you can create your own list of custom splits!

Example INI file on the left, and Tom’s best time achieved with it on the right. Spoilery details are censored. Jay and Tom had tons of fun competing for the best time. Note that the time shown isn’t representative of the length of a normal playthrough–this one was achieved with a lot of dirty tricks!

The configuration file makes it very flexible. You’re not locked to beating certain bosses in a certain order, or even starting and ending your run at the usual places. If you want the timer to start when you beat the first boss, split after you’ve recorded 3 Traffikrabs, and then finish when you defeat a certain NPC, you can!

We hope that this will make speedrunning Cassette Beasts fun and easy for people to get into.

More information about how to configure the LiveSplit integration will be published on the wiki after the game releases.

That’s all for this week, folks! If you want to know more, why not swing by the official Discord! As well as that, you can always follow us on Twitter for future updates!

Until next time!


This week, we’re taking a look at “Bootlegs” in Cassette Beasts. What’s all this about? Let’s take a look!

Ocassionally, in Cassette Beasts, you’ll stumble upon an odd-coloured monster in the world.

This Squirey here is usually beast-type, yet it’s appeared here with the wrong colour and element! This is a “bootleg” – signified by its name in red above its health bar. This is different from a monster using a coating move to change its element, which can be done in battle as a temporary element swapping.

Any monster has a small chance to appear with any element as bootleg.

The colour even matches its new element!

Bootleg monsters don’t just have different elements – they also have a new move pool to match. This means a monster may have access to a whole selection of moves they wouldn’t normally have. On top of this, bootleg tapes have a slightly higher chance to learn moves with uncommon or rare bonus traits.

This sure leaves a lot of things to collect, huh? Tell us what bootleg monster tapes you’d like to collect! If you want to ask any questions, feel free to visit the official Discord and follow us on Twitter!

Elements, Chemistry & Fusion

This week, we’re taking a look at the element system in Cassette Beasts. How does it work? What is the Chemistry System? And how does fusion play into it? Let’s find out!


Every monster in Cassette Beasts has an elemental type. These represent the nature of the monster, and can be seen next to the health bar on the battle screen.

What are the elements in Cassette Beasts, then? let’s take a look at the list!

Beast-type monsters don’t have any particular elemental traits. Beast-type monsters include BansheepCandevil and Springheel.

Fire-type monsters are creatures associated with fire, gunpowder, and explosives. Fire-type monsters include Pombomb and Salamagus.

Ice-type monsters are associated with snow, winter, frost and mist. Ice-type monsters include Spooki-onna and Grampus.

Lightning-type monsters have traits related to electricity, circuitry, and thunder. Lightning-type monsters include Cat-5.

Plant-type monsters are those with bodies made of plant matter, wood and flowers. Examples include Kirikuri and Dandylion.

Air-type monsters are often connected to wind, flight and sound. Air-type monsters include SirenadeDominoth and Cluckabilly.

Water-type monsters are associated with the ocean, lakes and rivers. Examples of water-type monsters include Undyin.

Earth-type monsters typically have bodies made of stone, sand, clay or earth. Earth-type monsters include Pawndead.

Poison-type monsters are connected to toxins, pollution, venom and other such nasty substances. Examples of poison-type monsters include Masquerattle and Nevermort.

Metal-type monsters are often wearing metal armour, or have bodies partially made of metals. Examples of metal-type monsters include AllseerSouthpaw and Palangolin.

Plastic-type monsters? How did that happen?! I guess humans have spread plastic enough that monsters have now become associated with it too. These monsters often have bodies made of plastic, or similar artificial petrochemical substances. Examples of plastic-type monsters include Traffikrab and Mascotoy.

Astral-type monsters are associated with space, the arcane arts or the cosmic unknown. Examples of astral-type monsters include Stardigrade.

Glass-type monsters have bodies made entirely of pure glass. Examples of glass-type monsters include [REDACTED]

Glitter is unique in that there are no glitter-type monsters. However, the move Glitter Bomb can transfer this elemental type to a target, who then is able to pass that type on by contact. To make it simple: glitter gets everywhere and is annoying.

So we’ve looked at the elemental types – but what does it all mean?


So how do these elements interact with each other? Well, the chemistry system allows these elements to create reactions that can be positive, negative or neutral! Here is an example of the air-type Cluckabilly attacking the fire-type Velocirifile.

If hit with an air-type attack from Cluckabilly then Velocirifle will be Extinguished, a reaction that lowers its melee and ranged attack power. The attack won’t do extra damage, but it will negatively affect Velocirifle’s ability to deal damage! What about the reverse, then?

This reaction is Updraft, causing Cluckabilly to receive an Air Wall status, which absorbs up to 3 incoming hits. Pretty useful, huh?

There’s many reactions that you can utilise in battle to give yourself the edge.


So how does fusion work with this element system? Well, a monster’s fusion form inherits both elements from the two monsters that combine to form it! In last week’s blog we looked at Mascotoy and Cluckabilly – so why not find out what their fusion looks like?

So when Mascotbilly attacks an enemy with a move that doesn’t have an elemental type of its own, it’ll use both elements that Mascotbilly has.

Against Velocirifle it triggers both the Smoke reaction (which increases the target’s evasion) on account of the plastic-type, but also the Extinguished reaction we explained earlier.

So whilst Velocirifle took multiple debuffs, it also gained one buff from the attack. Interesting, huh? Some fusions must create some very interesting reactions…

That’s all for this week, folks! If you want to know more, why not swing by the official Discord! As well as that, you can always follow us on Twitter for future updates!

Until next time!

Monster Showcase

This week, we wanted to do a deep dive into some of the monsters of Cassette Beasts – including ones you’ve seen before, and ones you might not have! Let’s get started, shall we?

Springheel #001
Element: Beast

French: Ressortalon
Italian: Saltatore
German: Sprungfeder
Spanish: Botajack

The impish Springheel is a sight you will no doubt have seen if you played our Steam Next Fest demo! This annoying creature hides behind walls and trees where it is not easily spotted, only to leap out and attack those unlucky enough to pass by. In this form, however, the element of surprise belongs to you!

Tokusect #033
Element: Air

French: Tokusecte
Italian: Tokusetto
German: Tokusekt
Spanish: Tokusecto

Tokusects have extremely aerodynamic bodies, aiding a fighting style that is focused around using their pointed legs to strike opponents and channel powerful currents of air. In this form, your swift kicks can strike foes several times in the time it takes a moth to beat its wings.

Southpaw #040
Element: Metal

French: Loupunch
Italian: Lupomenaro
German: Linksausleger
Spanish: Lupdirecto

The mature form of the Puppercut, the Southpaw is covered in a light, flexible metal alloy that protects it without slowing it down. This wolf is a fast melee attacker – in this form, your strengths in battle will be your ability to hit fast and hit first.

Velocirifle #042
Element: Fire

French: Fusiraptor
Italian: Fuciliraptor
German: Velociflinte
Spanish: Velocirrifle

The base of its skull has chambers full of gunpowder that it can use to cause explosions. It can fire objects out of its face this way, as well as quick blasts of fire and flame! Whilst weak in melee combat, it excels as a ranged attacker.

Grampus #066
Element: Ice

French: Grampus
Italian: Adirampus
German: Grantpus
Spanish: Krampuñón

The fully matured form of Elfless. Having spent many years suppressing its emotions, the Grampus is a hulking brute with a desire to impart its own misery onto others, particularly during festive seasons. In this form, your melee strength will be very formidable!

Mascotoy #080
Element: Plastic

French: Mascotrépas
Italian: Mascolocco
German: Maskottier
Spanish: Mascuguete

Mascotoy proves that plastic-type beasts aren’t all fun and games. Once some sort of character costume, the Mascotoy is now closer to a shambling corpse. Whilst it’s slow, you wouldn’t want to be on the pointy end of its oversized claw. Perhaps if one were to record it, however, this unnerving entity would make for a formidable form to take in battle.

Cluckabilly #100
Element: Air

French: Cocorirock
Italian: Chicchirockì
German: Gackerbilly
Spanish: Cocabilly

Oh – this is new! Cluckabillies are defined by their antisocial attitudes. The force of their angry caws can be strong enough to create shockwaves. Whilst they may look unthreatening in their adolescent forms, it is said that they are capable of growing into something much more dangerous. They are well-rounded in battle, but their razor sharp blade tails give them a slight edge as melee fighters.

Last blog we teased a fusion between Domimoth and Nevermort.

What does that look like, exactly?

Well, they form Domimort!

Is that what you expected? Next time we’ll show off a fusion of two of the monsters shown off here today. Which two? You’ll just have to find out!

What is your favourite monster shown off today? Come and let us know on our official Discord! You can always follow us on Twitter, too!

Until next time!

Show Your Moves!

Welcome back! Today we’re going to look at combat and moves in Cassette Beasts – since battling monsters as monsters is at the core of the gameplay, we thought it’d be a good idea to dive into how it works!


You and your partner are able to act in battle using stickers – a list of actions that you can trigger on your turn. Each monster has a certain number of slots available to assign stickers, and monster forms are limited in which stickers they are able to use.

Let’s take a look!

A look at Bansheep’s default full sticker set.

You’ll notice that most moves here have a set of orange squares next to them: these represent the number of Action Points, or AP, it costs to use them. A party member gains 2 AP per turn, so you have some choices to make – do you spend your AP on a low cost move such as “Sharpen” this turn, or perhaps use a no-cost move like “Smack” in order to use a stronger move next turn? You’ll be making choices like this a lot as you fight: it’s time to think strategically!

You’ll also notice that one of the moves here does not have a cost, and instead is listed as “passive”. Some stickers have their own trigger conditions in battle, such as losing a certain amount of HP.

All of these stickers can be assigned and removed from a monster tape without any cost, so you are free to experiment to find the best loadouts for your monster forms!


Wait, didn’t we say last time we’d show what these two looked when fused?

Oh yeah, we did!

When you and your partner fuse in battle, you combine into a powerful and unique Fusion form!

Banlope! Like, Bansheep + Thwackalope! That makes sense.

How does this affect your move list, then? Well, you get both move pools at once.

That’s a lot of moves!

Not only does it mean you can use any of the active moves assigned to either monster used to create your fusion form, but your passive moves will all still be able to trigger. You can have very interesting and versatile fusion forms as a result of this!

There are also unique “Fusion Power” moves that you can obtain when fused, but we can talk about that another time!

There’s one more cool thing to mention when talking about stickers – you can get uncommon and rare variants. Let’s have a look at this move set for Palangolin:

Palangolin can use Toxic Stab AND Battery? That’s pretty versatile.

Do you see how “Sharp Edges” is displayed with green text? That means it is uncommon, and has a bonus effect that is listed on the move description. In this case, it heals 7% of the owner’s HP when activated. There are lots of different bonus effects, and they differ depending on the kind of move and its rarity. You might find yourself coming across some extra useful versions of commonly-found move stickers!

This status page also displays the stat balance of the monster form. Palangolin is better at melee combat, which is no surprise.

Next Time

Wow, there sure are a lot of moves with many different elemental types. I wonder how they all work? I guess we’ll find out next time! If you want to ask any questions, feel free to visit the official Discord and follow us on Twitter!

What would these two look like when fused? Find out next time!

Roll the Tape!

This week, we’re going to take a look at the ins and outs of monster transformation. Cassette tapes? Recording? What does it all mean?


If you’ve been following so far, you’ll know that in the world of New Wirral, the residents transform using cassette players. Each cassette tape contains the essence of one monster form, that its listener can transform into to battle.

Transforming into a monster is the best way to fight back against the hostile monsters that roam this strange island! But how does one obtain new monster forms?


The built-in microphone on the cassette players can be used to record the essence of a wild monster. This isn’t straightforward and it comes with its own risks. In order to record a monster, you must return to human form – which means you are vulnerable to attack.

When you select the “Record” option in battle, you are given the option to choose a blank tape, and also the wild monster you wish to target. For the next turn of combat, the party member who is recording will return to human form, establishing a recording connection with the target.

Let’s try and record a copy of this monster! Wait… is this piracy?

A percentage meter will appear above the heads of the target – this displays the chance of a successful recording. This likelihood can be raised or lowered before the turn ends, and is influenced by several things:

  • The quality of the blank tape
  • How much HP they had when recording begins
  • How much damage is done to the target in rest of the turn
  • How much damage is done to the recorder in the rest of the turn

A successful recording will net you a new tape, and a new bestiary entry for your collection if you’ve not obtained this monster form before!

It may look cute, but the Thwackalope’s big makeshift club gives it access to some strong attacks.

That’s the gist of it! Whilst most monster forms can be obtained from wild monsters, there are some that you might have to add to your collection through other means.

Next Time

For our next blog post, we’ll look at the battle system with more depth, as well as how fusion works. Which begs the question – what does a fusion of Thwackalope and Bansheep look like?

As always, you can come chat to us on the official Discord and follow us on Twitter!
Until next time!

Home Sweet Home…?

We’re back from summer hiatus (and sunny weather) to take another dive into Cassette Beasts! In today’s blog post, we wanted to take a look at the world of the game.

New Wirral

The game is set on the island of New Wirral, a mysterious land inhabited by, as you might have guessed, beasts. The player begins the game having washed ashore on the beaches of New Wirral, and you soon learn of the predicament you are in.

New Wirral holds many environments, dangers and secrets. On your quest to find your way back home, you’ll explore the island at your own pace.

It must be said that there is nothing unique about your arrival – the other residents of the island also found their way there in the same way.

When the first people to find themselves on New Wirral arrived, they eventually founded a town – a town that stands to this very day! Which is…


Harbourtown is the home for all residents of the island, and is a place you’ll be returning to often. Built as a community that accepts everyone, Harbourtown is a place you can:

  • Heal up without having to use wood for a campfire
  • Swap out your adventuring partner for another
  • Catch up on the latest town gossip
  • Exchange resources for new moves to use in battle
  • And more!


In regards to gossip, the townsfolk will often have rumours to impart to you. These can tip you off about new monster locations, quests and other information that will help you explore the island!

Town Hall

The Town Hall is the HQ of the rangers, who help keep the island safe. Here you can unlock certain unique upgrades for your cassette player that help you in battle.

The residents of Harbourtown may be strangers at first, but the more you get to know them, the more you’ll learn about this strange world you’ve found yourself in!

That’s all for this blog! If you have any further questions, why not join our growing Discord community? There you can get the latest info on Cassette Beasts, as well as participate in exclusive events and gameplay streams!

We have lots of exciting news coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Fusion System Highlight & New Gameplay Showcase Trailer

In our last Steam Blog we talked about the in-depth fusion system, a powerful game system that allows you to fuse two different monster forms into a unique fully-animated sprite combination. This system can generate over fourteen thousand unique fusions that will allow you as a player to fully customize your team to fit your unique style!

As part of the Guerrilla Collective digital games showcase we now have more details and new gameplay footage to share!

Click the Wishlist and Follow buttons on Cassette Beasts’ store page to help support us! You can also join our growing Discord community to be a part of exclusive streams, Q&A sessions, and keep abreast of the latest info.

Gameplay Session

Hi folks! On Friday Jay and I hosted a streamed gameplay session of Cassette Beasts on our Discord server. If you missed it, the event was recorded and can now been seen on our YouTube channel:

Shown in this stream was:

  • The opening of the game
  • Character creation options
  • One of the two starters monsters!
  • How to record a monster
  • Voice acting

We also talked about mechanics and some general design philosophy.

If you like what you see, wishlist and follow Cassette Beasts on Steam, and join our Discord to be part of the next stream!

While you’re here, if you missed it back in March, we released a new trailer showing off some of the cosy vibes of New Wirral:

We also showed off a new monster: Puppercut.